Monday, July 05, 2010

A post to rant about asswipes, dicks, whatever.

There are asswipes on earth. To me, at least. I managed to suppress my anger for a long time until we could finally leave.

All those blabbermouths who think they're always right and others are immoral and whatever shit ought to tape their mouths with duct tape or something. I hate idiots who think they know everything about me and start to go on and on about what isn't even the problem. Its something about their tone too.

What I don't understand is my ability to get so emotional. I actually got pissed off by two strangers who kept on talking to me and how I'm like one of those girls who'll swap my health for beauty (I'm obviously not one), and how I'm hysterical and how I'm too concerned over my studies (yes, you may start laughing). Then he went on about how those other doctors are immoral bastards while whatever he said was totally right and smart and oh-so-moral. Like shut the fuck up man. I can't even remember what he said that pissed me off so bad, cause I wasn't really listening.

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